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Radio Interview & OFA Election

Recently, some of you may have heard me on Valley Heritage Radio doing an interview with Andrea McCoy on Barnyard Breakdown. We had a great time, lots of laughter and jokes going on in the studio. If you'd like to listen to the recording here is the link:

In other news, I will be attending the Ontario Federation of Agriculture's Annual General Meeting in Hamilton from the 17th to 19th of November. I have decided to run for the position of Director at Large for the Provincial board of directors. I want to be able to make a difference, and I believe that on the board I can do that. This is something I've wanted to do for a long time, and no matter the results on Monday, I will continue to fight for Agriculture and our needs as farmers.

I hope to see some of you at the AGM! Please, if you are attending, come find me and let's talk!

You can watch the AGM live on OFA's Facebook page if you're unable to make it and want to see what's going on. The election for Director at large will be at 9:15am on Monday morning.



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