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Are all your strips based on true events?Most of them, yes. Some I come up based of something I heard or current events. (The raccoon falling on me from the tree is 100% true FYI)
How do I submit a story to be shown on the main page?Send me an email via the contact page, or the instant messenger icon and I'll post it. Include name age and location please and thanks. :)
Do your cows have names?No, they have numbers. Sometimes they get nicknames, but mostly we avoid names. The only cow with a real name is my special girl, Miss Fawnda. This is because she is a purebred Hereford and they require a name to be registered as such.
Some of your older strips contained llamas and goats, why not now?"I used to be a farm hand at a place with llamas, goats, rabbits, etc. It was a real zoo, haha. I don't work there anymore so I don't have stories about those animals anymore. Also- I really dislike llamas.
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